Title | Description | Start Date | End Date | File |
Written / Skill Test / Interview Information – National Health Mission Contract Recruitment 2025 | Written / Skill Test / Interview Information – National Health Mission Contract Recruitment 2025 |
20/02/2025 | 03/03/2025 | View (984 KB) त्रुटि सुधार उपरांत सीनियर नर्सिंग ऑफिसर अनारक्षित वर्ग हेतु कौशल , (375 KB) त्रुटि सुधार उपरांत सीनियर नर्सिंग ऑफिसर पद हेतु पत्र अभ्यर्थियों (386 KB) |
Final list of eligible/ineligible candidates for recruitment to various contractual posts under National Health Mission | Final list of eligible/ineligible candidates for recruitment to various contractual
posts under National Health Mission
Revised list of candidates eligible for written examination for the post of Ophthalmic Assistant
17/01/2025 | 31/01/2025 | View (1 MB) विभिन पदों के दावा आपति उपरांत निराकरण की पदवार सूची_compressed (1) (5 MB) कुक कम केयर टेकर की पात्र अपात्र सूची (1 MB) MO RBSK पद की पात्र अपात्र सूची (625 KB) OT टेक्नीशियन पद की पात्र अपात्र सूची (924 KB) Opthalmic assistant Patra apatra ki anntim Suchi (1 MB) डेंटल असिस्टेंट पद हेतु पात्र अपात्र सूची (805 KB) लैब सुपरवाइजर पद हेतु पात्र अपात्र अनंतिम सूची (514 KB) फिजियोथैरेपिस्ट पद हेतु पात्र अपात्र अनंतिम सूची (1 MB) नर्सिंग ऑफिसर -एन एच एम हेतु पात्र अपात्र अनंतिम सूची (6 MB) फार्मासिस्ट RBSK हेतु पात्र अपात्र अनंतिम सूची (727 KB) बी डी एम हेतु पात्र अपात्र अनंतिम सूची (915 KB) बी पी एम हेतु पात्र अपात्र अनंतिम सूची (447 KB) लैब असिस्टेंट NIDDCP हेतु पात्र अपात्र अनंतिम सूची (993 KB) वार्ड असिस्टेंट NMHP हेतु पात्र अपात्र अनंतिम सूची (545 KB) सिक्यूरिटी गार्ड हेतु पात्र अपात्र अनंतिम सूची (2 MB) सीनियर नर्सिंग ऑफिसर -एन एम एच पी हेतु पात्र अपात्र अनंतिम सूची (6 MB) सोशल वर्कर हेतु पात्र अपात्र अनंतिम सूची (631 KB) हाउस कीपिंग हेतु पात्र अपात्र अनंतिम सूची (2 MB) PPM हेतु पात्र अपात्र अनंतिम सूची (790 KB) staff Nurse NRC हेतु पात्र अपात्र अनंतिम सूची (5 MB) काउंसलर ब्लड बैंक हेतु पात्र अपात्र अनंतिम सूची (432 KB) जे एस ए- एन यु एच एम् हेतु पात्र अपात्र अनंतिम सूची (736 KB) जे एस ए- पी ए डी ए एड हेतु पात्र अपात्र अनंतिम सूची (1 MB) जे एस ए- पी ए डी ए एम-एन एच हेतु अपात्र अनंतिम सूची (631 KB) जे एस ए- पी ए डी ए एड हेतु पात्र अपात्र अनंतिम सूची (1 MB) जे एस ए- पी ए डी ए एम-एन एच हेतु पात्र अनंतिम सूची (1 MB) नर्सिंग ऑफिसर आई सी यु हेतु पात्र अपात्र अनंतिम सूची (887 KB) पदवार मेरिट सूची (3 MB) लिखित _कौशल परीक्षा_ साक्षात्कार सुचना (1 MB) चतुर्थ श्रेणी एन यु एच एम् हेतु पात्र अपात्र अनंतिम सूची (577 KB) ओफ्थल्मिक असिस्टेंट पद के लिए लिखित परीक्षा हेतु पात्र_अभ्यर्थियों की संशोधित सूची (531 KB) लिखित कौशल परीक्षा साक्षात्कार हेतु पत्र अभ्यर्थियों की पदवार सूची (5 MB) Nursing officer Communi Nurse Patra Apara (2 MB) ओ टी टेक्नीशियन LaQsya FRU पात्र अपात्र अभ्यर्थियों की संशोधित सूची (908 KB) ओ टी टेक्नीशियन LaQsya FRU हेतु लिखित परीक्षा हेतु संशोधित सूची (379 KB) फार्मासिस्ट RBSK पात्र अपात्र अभ्यर्थियों की संशोधित सूची (3 MB) |
Claim objection list and merit list for recruitment of accountant post in Samagra Shiksha Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose 200 seater girls residential schools | Claim objection list and merit list for recruitment of accountant post in Samagra Shiksha Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose 200 seater girls residential schools |
20/01/2025 | 31/01/2025 | View (328 KB) Acountant Letter (372 KB) लेखापाल आवश्यक सूचना (164 KB) Residential (Dava Apatti Nirakarn All Block List) (831 KB) Dugukondal (Patra Merit List) (2 MB) Kanker (Patra Merit List) (3 MB) Koylibeda (Patra Merit List) (2 MB) Narharpur (Patra Merit List) (2 MB) |
Notice for postponement of written and skill interview examination for recruitment to various contractual posts under National Health Mission. | Notice for postponement of written and skill interview examination for recruitment to various contractual posts under National Health Mission. |
24/01/2025 | 31/01/2025 | View (236 KB) |
Regarding issuing the list of disposal of prescription slips received for filling up the vacant post in 14 SAGES schools | Regarding issuing the list of disposal of prescription slips received for filling up the vacant post in 14 SAGES schools |
20/01/2025 | 25/01/2025 | View (743 KB) Sajesh Dava Aapati ka Nirakan suchi_compressed (8 MB) |
Information regarding admission in class 9th in Prayas Boys/Girls Residential Schools in academic session 2025 | Information regarding admission in class 9th in Prayas Boys/Girls Residential Schools in academic session 2025 |
19/12/2024 | 20/01/2025 | View (422 KB) |
Regarding information regarding the list of final eligible and ineligible candidates after resolving the claims and objections received for the posts of OT Technician, Dental Assistant, MO, AYUSH, Ward Assistant, Ophthalmic Assistant, Supervisor NTEP, BPM and Cook cum Care Taker (contract). | Regarding information regarding the list of final eligible and ineligible candidates after resolving the claims and objections received for the posts of OT Technician, Dental Assistant, MO, AYUSH, Ward Assistant, Ophthalmic Assistant, Supervisor NTEP, BPM and Cook cum Care Taker (contract). |
03/12/2024 | 31/12/2024 | View (105 KB) BPM F (636 KB) Dental Assistant F (233 KB) Cook F (434 KB) Lab Supervisor F (141 KB) MO Ayush RBSK F (150 KB) O.T. Tech F (276 KB) Opthalmic Assi. F (275 KB) Ward Assistant F (789 KB) |
Regarding information regarding revised list of final eligible-ineligible after resolving claims and objections received for OT Technician, Dental Assistant and Ophthalmic Assistant (contract) posts. | Regarding information regarding revised list of final eligible-ineligible after resolving claims and objections received for OT Technician, Dental Assistant and Ophthalmic Assistant (contract) posts. |
05/12/2024 | 31/12/2024 | View (52 KB) Dental Assist. NOHP (223 KB) OT Tech. NHM (264 KB) Opthalmic Assistant (224 KB) |
Provisional list of eligible/ineligible candidates for contractual recruitment on 01 vacant posts of Senior Nursing Officer (NMHP) under Office of Chief Medical and Health Officer, District North Bastar Kanker (CG) National Health Mission | Provisional list of eligible/ineligible candidates for contractual recruitment on 01 vacant posts of Senior Nursing Officer (NMHP) under Office of Chief Medical and Health Officer, District North Bastar Kanker (CG) National Health Mission |
12/12/2024 | 31/12/2024 | View (7 MB) |
Regarding issuing claim objection list after scrutiny and testing of applications invited for recruitment of vacant accountant (fixed honorarium basis) in Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose 200 seater girls residential school, development block Dugukondal, Kanker, Koylibeda and Narharpur | Regarding issuing claim objection list after scrutiny and testing of applications invited for recruitment of vacant accountant (fixed honorarium basis) in Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose 200 seater girls residential school, development block Dugukondal, Kanker, Koylibeda and Narharpur |
13/12/2024 | 31/12/2024 | View (194 KB) Accontanat (durgukondal) patra (1 MB) Accountant (kanker) patra (2 MB) Accountant (koylibeda) patra (1 MB) Accountant (narharpur) patra (2 MB) Durgukondal (Apatra) (1 MB) Kanker (Apatra) (1 MB) koylibeda (Apatra) (593 KB) Narharpur (Apatra) (1 MB) Nirast aavedan ka vivran (6 MB) Press Vigyapti (384 KB) |