

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Advertisement for the post of Savinda for running the Women Empowerment Center

Advertisement for the post of Savinda for running the Women Empowerment Center

02/02/2024 22/02/2024 View (6 MB)
Common merit list and resolution list, document verification and practical examination for the post of Program Officer contract.

Common merit list and resolution list, document verification and practical examination for the post of Program Officer contract.

23/01/2024 05/02/2024 View (561 KB) कार्यक्रम अधिकारी संविदा पद की समान्य मैरिट सूची। (7 MB) Document 69 (979 KB)
Technical Assistant Waiting List under MNREGA Scheme.

Technical Assistant Waiting List under MNREGA Scheme.

24/01/2024 05/02/2024 View (3 MB)
NITI Aayog appointment order to the post of Aspiring Block Fellow to the candidate next in the priority list in the development blocks of Kanker district.

NITI Aayog appointment order to the post of Aspiring Block Fellow to the candidate next in the priority list in the development blocks of Kanker district.

12/01/2024 25/01/2024 View (170 KB) CamScanner 01-02-2024 18.31 (593 KB) New Doc 01-10-2024 17.05 (656 KB)
Selection list and merit list for recruitment of technical assistants under MNREGA scheme

Selection list and merit list for recruitment of technical assistants under MNREGA scheme

05/01/2024 10/01/2024 View (2 MB) 11158 04.01.2024 (536 KB) MARIT LIST (4 MB) SELECTION LIST (1 MB)
As a result of inclusion of Durgukondal and Koylibera development blocks of Kanker district in the Aspirational Development Block Scheme by NITI Aayog, New Delhi, the Office of the Collector, Kanker, has made eligible candidates for the posts of Aspirational Fellow (contract), one each (total 02 posts) for the aspirational development blocks Durgkondal and Koylibera. candidates list

As a result of inclusion of Durgukondal and Koylibera development blocks of Kanker district in the Aspirational Development Block Scheme by NITI Aayog, New Delhi, the Office of the Collector, Kanker, has made eligible candidates for the posts of Aspirational Fellow (contract), one each (total 02 posts) for the aspirational development blocks Durgkondal and Koylibera. candidates list

28/12/2023 02/01/2024 View (556 KB) abk kanker (577 KB) CamScanner 12-22-2023 18.25 (610 KB) Document (510 KB) CamScanner 10-16-2023 13.05 (2 MB) CamScanner 10-16-2023 13.05-1 (2 MB)
Press release for the post of Lab Attendant
1.Press release for the post of Lab Attendant
2.Press release dated 11.12 for information regarding invitation of claim objection
 for the post of Lab Attendant. 2023
11/12/2023 31/12/2023 View (4 MB) लैब अटेंडेंट पद हेतु दावा आपत्ति आमंत्रण की सूचना हेतु प्रेस विज्ञप्ति दिनांक 11 .12. 2023 (9 MB)
Recruitment of 01 contractual post of Program Officer for District North Bastar Kanker under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA Scheme.

Recruitment of 01 contractual post of Program Officer for District North Bastar Kanker under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA Scheme.

11/12/2023 22/12/2023 View (8 MB) Press Vigyapti (529 KB)
Corrigendum (for recruitment to clerical posts) Assistant Grade 3 and Record Clerk and others

Corrigendum (for recruitment to clerical posts) Assistant Grade 3 and Record Clerk and others

13/12/2023 22/12/2023 View (1 MB)
List 1 regarding skill test for Government Medical College Affiliated Hospital Kanker

List 1 regarding skill test for Government Medical College Affiliated Hospital Kanker

13/12/2023 22/12/2023 View (9 MB)