

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Sealed tenders are invited from willing suppliers and registered women self-help groups of Kanker district for the arrangement of food, tea, snacks etc. for the resident trainees at Livelihood College Kanker and Livelihood College Antagarh under the District Project Livelihood College Society Kanker.

Sealed tenders are invited from willing suppliers and registered women self-help groups of Kanker district for the arrangement of food, tea, snacks etc. for the resident trainees at Livelihood College Kanker and Livelihood College Antagarh under the District Project Livelihood College Society Kanker.

16/01/2025 23/01/2025 View (2 MB) tender-3 matter (278 KB)
Tender form for horse riding training under expression of interest
Tender form for horse riding training to school students under expression of interest
(Updated on 6-1-2025) 
23/12/2024 08/01/2025 View (3 MB)
Sealed tenders are invited from willing suppliers and registered women self-help groups of Kanker district for the arrangement of food, tea, snacks etc. for the resident trainees at Livelihood College Kanker and Livelihood College Antagarh under the District Project Livelihood College Society Kanker.

Sealed tenders are invited from willing suppliers and registered women self-help groups of Kanker district for the arrangement of food, tea, snacks etc. for the resident trainees at Livelihood College Kanker and Livelihood College Antagarh under the District Project Livelihood College Society Kanker.

28/12/2024 08/01/2025 View (283 KB) terms condition (2 MB)
Kanker Livelihood College: Tender invitation from women self-help groups for food supply

Kanker Livelihood College: Tender invitation from women self-help groups for food supply

29/11/2024 17/12/2024 View (246 KB) tender 2024-25-1 (2 MB)
Advertisement for running Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Jan-Aushdhi Kendra shop in health institutions under the supervision of Office of Chief Medical and Health Officer, District-U.B. Kanker (CG) for one year

Advertisement for running Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Jan-Aushdhi Kendra shop in health institutions under the supervision of Office of Chief Medical and Health Officer, District-U.B. Kanker (CG) for one year

03/12/2024 11/12/2024 View (753 KB)
Sealed tenders are invited for printing of ballot papers for the Panchayat elections to be held in the year 2024-25 in District North Bastar Kanker.

Sealed tenders are invited for printing of ballot papers for the Panchayat elections to be held in the year 2024-25 in District North Bastar Kanker.

25/11/2024 06/12/2024 View (233 KB)
On behalf of Chhattisgarh State Election Commission, sealed tenders are invited for printing of ballot papers for the Panchayat elections to be held in the year 2024-25 in District North Bastar Kanker.

On behalf of Chhattisgarh State Election Commission, sealed tenders are invited for printing of ballot papers for the Panchayat elections to be held in the year 2024-25 in District North Bastar Kanker.

24/10/2024 21/11/2024 View (286 KB)
On behalf of Chhattisgarh State Election Commission, sealed tenders are invited for printing of ballot papers for the municipal elections to be held in the year 2024-25 in District North Bastar Kanker.

On behalf of Chhattisgarh State Election Commission, sealed tenders are invited for printing of ballot papers for the municipal elections to be held in the year 2024-25 in District North Bastar Kanker.

24/10/2024 21/11/2024 View (259 KB)
On behalf of Chhattisgarh State Election Commission, sealed tenders are invited for printing of ward wise prepared photo voter lists for the upcoming general elections of Municipal Council Kanker and Nagar Panchayat Charama, Bhanupratappur, Antagarh and Pakhanjor falling under District North Bastar Kanker.

On behalf of Chhattisgarh State Election Commission, sealed tenders are invited for printing of ward wise prepared photo voter lists for the upcoming general elections of Municipal Council Kanker and Nagar Panchayat Charama, Bhanupratappur, Antagarh and Pakhanjor falling under District North Bastar Kanker.

03/09/2024 30/09/2024 View (742 KB)
Tenders are invited from interested firms for laser print work of photo voter list of all three assembly constituencies of Kanker district

Tenders are invited from interested firms for laser print work of photo voter list of all three assembly constituencies of Kanker district

09/09/2024 25/09/2024 View (903 KB)