Women and Child Development Department, District Kanker has released the preliminary eligible/ineligible list of various posts in District Child Protection Unit, Kanker under Mission Vatsalya Scheme – Claims/Objections invited
Title | Description | Start Date | End Date | File |
Women and Child Development Department, District Kanker has released the preliminary eligible/ineligible list of various posts in District Child Protection Unit, Kanker under Mission Vatsalya Scheme – Claims/Objections invited | Women and Child Development Department, District Kanker has released the preliminary eligible/ineligible list of various posts in District Child Protection Unit, Kanker under Mission Vatsalya Scheme – Claims/Objections invited |
13/03/2025 | 21/03/2025 | View (544 KB) () कार्यालय सह कम्प्यूटर ऑपरेटर पद (5 MB) ICPS OUT REACH WORKER_compressed (8 MB) चाईल्ड लाईन परियोजना समन्वयक पद_compressed (10 MB) paramarshdata chl_compressed (8 MB) lekhapal (6 MB) paramarshdata ICPS_compressed_compressed (4 MB) protection Officer_compressed (6 MB) Case Worker CHL_compressed (9 MB) social worker (6 MB) |