
Sealed tenders are invited from willing suppliers and registered women self-help groups of Kanker district for the arrangement of food, tea, snacks etc. for the resident trainees at Livelihood College Kanker and Livelihood College Antagarh under the District Project Livelihood College Society Kanker.

Sealed tenders are invited from willing suppliers and registered women self-help groups of Kanker district for the arrangement of food, tea, snacks etc. for the resident trainees at Livelihood College Kanker and Livelihood College Antagarh under the District Project Livelihood College Society Kanker.
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Sealed tenders are invited from willing suppliers and registered women self-help groups of Kanker district for the arrangement of food, tea, snacks etc. for the resident trainees at Livelihood College Kanker and Livelihood College Antagarh under the District Project Livelihood College Society Kanker.

Sealed tenders are invited from willing suppliers and registered women self-help groups of Kanker district for the arrangement of food, tea, snacks etc. for the resident trainees at Livelihood College Kanker and Livelihood College Antagarh under the District Project Livelihood College Society Kanker.

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